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- The Department of Mathematics was established in the year 1946
- The department is offering Mathematics as a second core subject in Science stream. The syllabus was design by Sardar Patel University as college was affiliated with Sardar Patel, VallabhVidyanagar, Gujarat.
- The Department offers one core paper in semester I and II, while two papers in semester III and IV.
- Mathematics is the study and investigation of structure, quantity, and space. Department particular focus on to demonstrate educational skills in areas of Calculus, Algebra, Numerical methods, Multivariate calculus, Ordinary differential equations and Partial differential equations.
- Through, Mathematical Practical, develop and share the implementations of Mathematics problems solving.
- Department organized state level “Prof.A.R.Rao State Level Competition” during the month of September.
- For sake of students Encourage the students to develop a range of generic skill helpful in employment, internships and social activities.