• baou webaite link:https://baou.edu.in/
  • Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University (BAOU) was established by the Act No.14 of 1994 passed by the Gujarat State Legislature on 13th April, 1994, and assented to by the Governor of Gujarat on 27th July, 1994. The BAOU is the seventh Open University in the country in terms of their establishment. The University offers 72 programmes with an enrolment of more than 1,00,000 learners.
  • The headquarters of the university is located at Ahmedabad.  The University has established Regional Centre on the campus of South Gujarat University, Rajkot and has initiated the process of another establishing regional centre on the campus of North Gujarat University, Patan. The University has more than 507 study centers. It has jurisdiction over the whole state of Gujarat. It is open to all persons irrespective of classes, castes, creed, religion or sex.

The important and distinguishing objectives for BAOU are to:

  • Advance and disseminate learning and knowledge by a diversity of means, including use of any communication technology, provide opportunities for higher education to a large segment of the population.
  • Promote the educational well-being of the community generally, and encourage the Open University and distance education system in the education pattern of the Sate.

Shri R. K. Parikh Arts and Science College has started Study Centre in the Year 2008.

  • Study Centre code: 0415.
  • Coordinator: Dr. Uday Vyas. 94273 56588(M).
  • Visit & Calling Time: 11.00am to 4.00pm (All the days except Sunday)
  • Programs run By Centre: B. A., B.Com. M.A., Diploma and Certificate (CCC) etc.





 Bachelor PROGRAM Name


  •  Bachelor in Commerce (B. Com.)

3 Years

  • Bachelor in Arts (B.A)


  •     Gujarati
  •     Hindi
  •     English
  •     Sanskrit
  •     Economics
  •     History
  •     Public Administration
  •     Psychology
  •     Political Science
  •     Sociology

3 Years

  Master Program Name

2 years

  • Master of Arts (MA)
  •     Gujarati (MGT)
  •     Sociology (MSO)
  •     Hindi (MHD)
  •     English (MEG)


     Diploma Program Name

1 Years

·    Diploma in Finance Management (DFM)


·    Diploma in Creative Writing in Hindi (DCH)


·    Diploma in Advance Cost Accounting (DACA)


·    Diploma in Advance Accounting (DAA)


·    Diploma in Insurance (DIN)


   Certificate Program Name

6 Months

·    Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFN)


·    Certificate in Environmental Studies (CES).


·    Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS)


·    Certificate in Tourism Marketing (CTM)


·    Certificate in Tourism Management (CMT)


·    Certificate in Communication skills in English level – I(CCSE)


·    Certificate in Environment (CEA)


·      Certificate in Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Life and thoughts (CALT)


·    Certificate in Anganwadi karyakerta (CCAW)


·    Certificate in Child Care and Development (CCCD)


·    Certificate in Computing (CIC)


·    Certificate in Personal Computer Software (CPCS)


·    Certificate in Computer Concept CCC-BAOU)


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