Department of Sanskrit established in the year 1946 in the faculty of Arts. The department offers the “Sanskrit” as a compulsory subject in the semester 1 and 2 and in the semester 3 and 4 as a skill enhancement course. This subject is also offered as subsidiary subject named as Generic Elective in the semester 1 to 4.

The Sanskrit is considered as one of the ancient language, as well as it is well thought of the language of God. This need to be alive not only in our society but also need to pass the knowledge to our next generation and keeping such objectives in mind the department is actively arranging various programs for the students.  The short term course ‘Sanskrit Sambhasah’, of 15 days conducted every year, where we invite the scholar persons from repute institute. We also started add on certificate course of 30 hours on ‘Saral Sanskrutam’ (Easy Sanskrit Speaking).


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